- Providing guidance and information as required by the entrepreneurs relating to export.
- Organizing Awarness Programmes on Export Marketing.
- Organizing Training Programmes on Export Marketing.
- Identification of export oriented products.
- Participation in International Trade Fairs.
- Organizing West Bengal State Handicrafts Expos and other State Level Handicraft Fairs in West Bengal.
- Participation in Fairs and Exhibitors within the State for providing marketing support to the handicraft artisans.
- Participation in National Level Fairs for marketing promotion of MSMEs.
- Organizing Design Development Workshops and other Training Programmes for Handicrafts at State Institute of Handicrafts at Baruipur.
- Setting up and running of Urban Haats/ Biswa Bangla Haats in West Bengal.
- Implementation of MSE-CDP as Implementiog Agency.
- Infrastructure support for Biswa Bangla Marketing Corporation Ltd.
- Other programmes as entrusted by the Department from time to time